Here is Nora rocking her Rock 'N Rose fresh flower Daisy crown in the sunshine.
Since the sunshine has made me feel all happy inside, here are some things that I'm loving at the minute...
Something I read; Since my little Nory Noo has decided to become little miss independent and refuses any food I have to feed her, I headed over to Amazon and purchase 'Yummy Discoveries, The Baby-Led Weaning Recipe Book' this has pretty much been my bible this week, scouring through to find some quick and easy but healthy recipes for Nora to tuck into.
Something I've watched; Forgive me for being slightly behind the times but, Broadchurch. Oh em gee. We recorded the whole series on our Tivo Box and finally sat down to watch it on Friday night. We we're so engrossed we watched all eight episodes in two nights. What a captivating story, I loved how all of the character's situations were intertwined in some way. If you haven't seen it, go watch!!
Something I wore; So I'm four weeks into bootcamp and I'm feeling so much more confident with myself, so I braved wearing a skater skirt and t-shirt to work on Thursday. Anyone who knows me will know that I NEVER get my arms out, I'm getting so brave!! I'm totally loving my skirt though, I purchased it a few weeks ago from Topshop as a last minute panic buy for a christening but I'm so glad I did. I am in desperate need of a wardrobe overhaul though!
Something I listened too; So, my sister and I DJ a room at a club night on a Friday night which is purely guilty pleasures (think Five, Spice Girls, TLC, Nicki Minaj, A$AP Rocky). I've pretty much spent my week listening to some terribly good songs whilst compiling our DJ set. Nelly & Kelly anyone?!
Something I cannot live without; My Estee Lauder Double Wear Concealer. I've been sleeping so rubbishly recently, I can't even blame the baby she sleeps right through! The concealer is amazing, covers the black bags (or should I say suitcases) under my eyes along with all the other little blemishes my body decides to plague me with.
So, that's it. I'll hopefully be loving some far more interesting things next week! I'd love to hear what you've been loving or if you'd like to recommend anything?
Inspired by the 'Some things that I love' linky over at But why Mummy Why?

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