Thursday 2 May 2013

Nora's New Walker - Fisher-Price My Stroll & Play Walker

So, after half an hour of doing 'the walk' (all you parents out there totally know what I'm talking about) Nora is finally fast asleep. She has been so terrible with her sleeping recently, it seems the more she learns/grows, the more desperate she is to be awake to practise her new skills! I'm hoping we're just tumbling through the 'nine month sleep regression' and she'll be back to normal soon. I totally don't suit the bedraggled, must-have-sleep look. After being blessed with a baby who slept through the night from being six weeks old, sleep depravation is difficult!

Our little Nory-Noo started crawling on the 10th April and since then there's been no stopping her (plus no sleeping!). She's pulling herself up on furniture and walking holding onto our hands! With that in mind, I decided to purchase a baby walker! I chose the Fisher Price My Stroll and Play Walker  it arrived today (good old Amazon Prime) and it's so adorable! She's not quite steady enough to manage to push it on her own but she's so sweet patting the dolly saying 'awww'. Annoyingly, the dolly isn't included in the price but I couldn't resist purchasing the 'Baby's 1st Dolly' to accompany it. 

Here she is testing it out tonight when I got home from work, such a little cutie! 

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