I've always struggled with my weight, even as a kid I vividly remember being told not to eat too many smarties, 'they'll make you fat'. But, I ate them, and everything else in sight and there begun my life long battle with my weight. Except for my brief encounter with my Lighter Life induced size 8-ness (oh how I miss you!) I've always erred on the heavier side of curvy.
I didn't massively gain weight during pregnancy and breast feeding allowed me to eat whatever the hell I wanted for six months but unfortunately, this was totally too good to be true. After stopping breastfeeding Nora at just over six months, I totally piled on far too much weight. It hit April and I'd had enough, it was time to shift some of this wobble
So I've spent the last forty days and forty nights balancing being a mummy and working full time, along with embarking on a super extreme weight loss program.
I've dragged my wobbly backside out of bed every single morning to undertake, what I can only describe as a body and soul destroying workout before heading off to work. I was walking like John Wayne for the first four days, I couldn't get through the day without dosing up on Paracetamol. These pain staking twice daily workouts along with total clean eating have produced some amazing results and I'm bloody over the moon.
In just 40 long days I have managed to lose 25 inches of wobble and a massive 18lbs, now I definitely haven't forgotten that I have a hell of a long way to go still but I'm a dress size down and a million times happier!
This bootcamp was ran through Forte Fitness & Bootcamps. Their programme Forte Days of Lent is completed at home, you can do it from any corner of the globe!
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Nora's OOTD - Joules
My absolute favourite outfit I've ever purchased for Nora has got to be this Baby Joules Isabelle Long Sleeve Top & Trousers Set. Perfect for comfort when crawling and great to wear without a jacket, now the weather is warming up. As always, Joules provide perfect quality products with great attention to detail, along with an unmistakable, distinctive British design.
There's currently a 3 for 2 offer on everything at Joules, I'm most definitely going to have to invest in these pieces for the summer!
There's currently a 3 for 2 offer on everything at Joules, I'm most definitely going to have to invest in these pieces for the summer!
Baby Clothes,
baby outfit of the day,
Mummy talk,
outfit of the day
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Nora's OOTD - H&M
Nora's outfit today was a gift from the lovely Megan at Rock 'N Rose. I've never been a huge fan of H&M for myself, but I adore their baby clothes. Everything is very affordable and always super cute. I've already started to stock up on bargainous summer dresses for our holiday later in the year. I picked up these two dressed for just £4.99 each!
Nora's ditsy print dress is H&M, as is the lovely coral cardigan. I picked up the headband in Mothercare, it came in a two pack with a lovely mint green one.
In true Rock 'N Rose fashion, we replaced Nora's headband with a lovely daisy floral garland. I love summer!
Monday, 6 May 2013
Some things that I love...
What a beautiful sunny day we've had today. We spent it in the garden having a BBQ at my lovely sister's new house. I absolutely love the sunshine, the world seems a better place and I'm now totally in the mood to book our first family holiday.
Here is Nora rocking her Rock 'N Rose fresh flower Daisy crown in the sunshine.
Since the sunshine has made me feel all happy inside, here are some things that I'm loving at the minute...
Something I read; Since my little Nory Noo has decided to become little miss independent and refuses any food I have to feed her, I headed over to Amazon and purchase 'Yummy Discoveries, The Baby-Led Weaning Recipe Book' this has pretty much been my bible this week, scouring through to find some quick and easy but healthy recipes for Nora to tuck into.
Something I've watched; Forgive me for being slightly behind the times but, Broadchurch. Oh em gee. We recorded the whole series on our Tivo Box and finally sat down to watch it on Friday night. We we're so engrossed we watched all eight episodes in two nights. What a captivating story, I loved how all of the character's situations were intertwined in some way. If you haven't seen it, go watch!!
Something I wore; So I'm four weeks into bootcamp and I'm feeling so much more confident with myself, so I braved wearing a skater skirt and t-shirt to work on Thursday. Anyone who knows me will know that I NEVER get my arms out, I'm getting so brave!! I'm totally loving my skirt though, I purchased it a few weeks ago from Topshop as a last minute panic buy for a christening but I'm so glad I did. I am in desperate need of a wardrobe overhaul though!
Something I listened too; So, my sister and I DJ a room at a club night on a Friday night which is purely guilty pleasures (think Five, Spice Girls, TLC, Nicki Minaj, A$AP Rocky). I've pretty much spent my week listening to some terribly good songs whilst compiling our DJ set. Nelly & Kelly anyone?!
Something I cannot live without; My Estee Lauder Double Wear Concealer. I've been sleeping so rubbishly recently, I can't even blame the baby she sleeps right through! The concealer is amazing, covers the black bags (or should I say suitcases) under my eyes along with all the other little blemishes my body decides to plague me with.
So, that's it. I'll hopefully be loving some far more interesting things next week! I'd love to hear what you've been loving or if you'd like to recommend anything?
Inspired by the 'Some things that I love' linky over at But why Mummy Why?
Here is Nora rocking her Rock 'N Rose fresh flower Daisy crown in the sunshine.
Since the sunshine has made me feel all happy inside, here are some things that I'm loving at the minute...
Something I read; Since my little Nory Noo has decided to become little miss independent and refuses any food I have to feed her, I headed over to Amazon and purchase 'Yummy Discoveries, The Baby-Led Weaning Recipe Book' this has pretty much been my bible this week, scouring through to find some quick and easy but healthy recipes for Nora to tuck into.
Something I've watched; Forgive me for being slightly behind the times but, Broadchurch. Oh em gee. We recorded the whole series on our Tivo Box and finally sat down to watch it on Friday night. We we're so engrossed we watched all eight episodes in two nights. What a captivating story, I loved how all of the character's situations were intertwined in some way. If you haven't seen it, go watch!!
Something I wore; So I'm four weeks into bootcamp and I'm feeling so much more confident with myself, so I braved wearing a skater skirt and t-shirt to work on Thursday. Anyone who knows me will know that I NEVER get my arms out, I'm getting so brave!! I'm totally loving my skirt though, I purchased it a few weeks ago from Topshop as a last minute panic buy for a christening but I'm so glad I did. I am in desperate need of a wardrobe overhaul though!
Something I listened too; So, my sister and I DJ a room at a club night on a Friday night which is purely guilty pleasures (think Five, Spice Girls, TLC, Nicki Minaj, A$AP Rocky). I've pretty much spent my week listening to some terribly good songs whilst compiling our DJ set. Nelly & Kelly anyone?!
Something I cannot live without; My Estee Lauder Double Wear Concealer. I've been sleeping so rubbishly recently, I can't even blame the baby she sleeps right through! The concealer is amazing, covers the black bags (or should I say suitcases) under my eyes along with all the other little blemishes my body decides to plague me with.
So, that's it. I'll hopefully be loving some far more interesting things next week! I'd love to hear what you've been loving or if you'd like to recommend anything?
Inspired by the 'Some things that I love' linky over at But why Mummy Why?

Mummy talk,
some things that I love,
Nora's OOTD - Next, again!
So, I'm a day late with this one! We had such a lovely day in the sunshine yesterday I didn't manage to get online.
Today Nora wore a lovely Next Dress that I picked up in store the other day for only £5.50, absolute bargain! We teamed this with some super cute canvas espadrilles from Mothercare.
I'm so happy that the sun is shining - Nora looks adorable in a little summer hat! This one is from George at Asda, I quickly picked them up the other day when I realised we had no hats!
Check out these little cuties! Nora adores the dogs and they're so tolerant of her - poor Max! haha
Today Nora wore a lovely Next Dress that I picked up in store the other day for only £5.50, absolute bargain! We teamed this with some super cute canvas espadrilles from Mothercare.
I'm so happy that the sun is shining - Nora looks adorable in a little summer hat! This one is from George at Asda, I quickly picked them up the other day when I realised we had no hats!
Check out these little cuties! Nora adores the dogs and they're so tolerant of her - poor Max! haha
Baby Clothes,
Mummy talk,
outfit of the day
Saturday, 4 May 2013
I am me
I am me
I am; A mother. Girlfriend. Company director. Daughter. Sister. General dogsbody. Friend. Niece. Cousin. A dog person. An auntie. A godmother.
I am sometimes; HAPPY. Overly sensitive. Creative. Hilarious. Stressed. Sad. Loving. Generous. Overly trusting. Supportive. Self doubting. Hard working. A dreamer. A crier. A listener. An advice giver. A bit of a moron. OVER EXCITED. Content.
I like: dressing Nora up in the best clothes I can find. Taking far too many photographs. The girls in the Rock 'N Rose office - they're hilarious. Eating little boats from the Mockingbird Deli. Gossiping. Cuddles. Wilfred the Puggle - even though he's massively annoying. STE. My Mummy friends. Pretending I'm a really good DJ with my partner in crime Em. My Mam - she's the bravest & best Mum in the world. Party planning. Holidays. That I was able to breastfeed for six months. Being engrossed in TV seasons. PEPSI MAX. Vintagey bits and bobs that overrun my house. Losing weight. Wearing black too often - its slimming! Instagram. Nora's toothy smile. A good cup of tea. My sister. My little family.
I dislike: The fact my Mam is poorly. Worrying. When there's no milk for my cup of tea. Not being a size 10. Disappointing people. When there's not enough hours in the day. Migraines. People who use the words 'epic', 'banter' and 'smash-it'. Being on a constant diet. SEAFOOD. That carbs are the anti-christ. A messy house. Infidelity. Spiders. Public Transport. Getting up early. Being wound up. Being on my own.
Inspired by the lovely Charlotte over at Writelikenooneswatching - originally inspired by Rachel at Three Years & Home reminding me that I'm not just a Mum!
Nora's OOTD - Boden
I'm a huge, huge fan of Boden after being introduced through an Instagram friend. I adore the traditional baby clothing, lots of pinnies, frilly knickers and rompers. I've ordered several outfits and they're so well made with great attention to detail.
Nora's outfit today is the beautiful pure cotton poplin Applique Pinnie which comes with adorable matching spotty pants, teamed with cream tights and a Next pretty body suit, perfect now the sun is shining! I love this outfit, as the weather heats up I can replace Nora's tights with frilly socks and lose the body suit - perfect!
I'm currently lusting after this beautiful little play set in the pink chambrais balloon print, it's in the sale too - bonus!
Nora's outfit today is the beautiful pure cotton poplin Applique Pinnie which comes with adorable matching spotty pants, teamed with cream tights and a Next pretty body suit, perfect now the sun is shining! I love this outfit, as the weather heats up I can replace Nora's tights with frilly socks and lose the body suit - perfect!
I'm currently lusting after this beautiful little play set in the pink chambrais balloon print, it's in the sale too - bonus!
Baby Clothes,
outfit of the day,
what I wore
Friday, 3 May 2013
Nora's OOTD - NEXT Florals for the Sunshine
I visited Next with my lovely Mam yesterday who treated Nora to today's gorgeous outfit, perfect for today's beautiful May sunshine.
You can purchase this outfit here for an absolute steal at £10!
You can purchase this outfit here for an absolute steal at £10!
outfit of the day,
what I wore
Diary of a Nora Bump!
While I was pregnant with Nora I always intended to use my blog as a way of recording my pregnancy journey, as usual though I didn't get around to it! I thought I'd have a little trip down memory lane and re-live my pregnancy through photos.
I must admit I was lucky enough to have the easiest pregnancy known to man or more appropriately, to woman. I had virtually no morning sickness or any other pregnancy symptoms, heck I didn't even grow much of a bump until I was 30 weeks gone, I worked right up until 40 weeks plus 9 days, at which point I was induced, our lazy little girl didn't want to make an appearance on time.
I did totally love being pregnant, it was such an exciting and special time. I'm also lucky enough to have a midwife as my Mummy so I constantly had the best expert advice at hand. Here are lots of lovely little memories...
Our first glimpse of Baby Powls at 12 weeks and 2 days! It's the strangest thing to think it was our beautiful Nora growing right there!
Our second peek at Baby Powls! This was the day we found out that Baby Powls was in fact, Baby Girl Powls! We were both so excited, I'd secretly hoped for a pink one.
24 weeks - teeniest bump ever!
28 Weeks + 5 days - the first real signs of a bump, prior to this I just looked like I'd eaten far too many pies.
Me & My Nora bump at 30 weeks.
My view from my desk at Rock 'N Rose HQ at 32 weeks.
35 weeks pregnant in my gorgeous Traffic People dress, who needs maternity clothes?!
Jubilee bump!
37 weeks
Wilfy puggle snuggling the bump!
38 weeks!
39 weeks! I had to get my lovely sister to cut off the lining of my dress so I could squeeze it over my bump!
6th July 2012 - due date bump!
VERY overdue bump!
My last ever bump picture - Nora arrived the day after weighing 7lb 4oz!
Nora Jane Powls 09.38am, 16th July 2012 - 7lb 4oz.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Nora's New Walker - Fisher-Price My Stroll & Play Walker
So, after half an hour of doing 'the walk' (all you parents out there totally know what I'm talking about) Nora is finally fast asleep. She has been so terrible with her sleeping recently, it seems the more she learns/grows, the more desperate she is to be awake to practise her new skills! I'm hoping we're just tumbling through the 'nine month sleep regression' and she'll be back to normal soon. I totally don't suit the bedraggled, must-have-sleep look. After being blessed with a baby who slept through the night from being six weeks old, sleep depravation is difficult!
Our little Nory-Noo started crawling on the 10th April and since then there's been no stopping her (plus no sleeping!). She's pulling herself up on furniture and walking holding onto our hands! With that in mind, I decided to purchase a baby walker! I chose the Fisher Price My Stroll and Play Walker it arrived today (good old Amazon Prime) and it's so adorable! She's not quite steady enough to manage to push it on her own but she's so sweet patting the dolly saying 'awww'. Annoyingly, the dolly isn't included in the price but I couldn't resist purchasing the 'Baby's 1st Dolly' to accompany it.
Here she is testing it out tonight when I got home from work, such a little cutie!
Hello, again...
After a long blogging Hiatus of just shy of two whole years (bloody hell!!) I'm back with a vengeance and have a million and one things to talk about. Excuse me whilst I ramble...
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