Hello all, welcome to the land of Lady Gluttony, aka Jess!
I'm hoping that these musings are going to bring some kind of closure to my everlasting battle with weight loss, body image and obsessive calorie counting.
As you'll learn from the following posts I've recently lost 60lbs taking me from a size 16 to a size 10. Here I hope to share with you my wisdom, experiences and the trials and tribulations of weight loss, weight gain and torturous exercise. Hopefully I'll get some feedback from you guys - I love a good chat!
I'll be reviewing the latest diet and fitness fads (well, maybe fads is a bit strong but I'm a sucker for a quick fix), fitness ideas, recipes and anything else I feel is of any use! I also admit that the 'tiny bit of chocolate' tag line may have been a slight understatement; I'm a self confessed chocoholic/cakeoholic/anything-that-tastes-goodoholic.
One thing I want to make clear is that as a size 16 girl, I was very unhappy. All I hope to do with this blog is perhaps inspire anyone who is unhappy with their weight to do something about it. This is not to do with any specific weight, it's to do with how I felt and how I looked. Any weights I do mention are purely as a means of measuring my progress.
I'm off on my summer holidays in 15 weeks and want to lose 21lbs before I hit the beach (bikini season is almost upon us again, ARGH). I want to use this blog as a means of keeping me on track and in the meantime I hope to motivate other people who are unhappy with their bodies to join me in my quest for fulfilment.
I must let you know - I am not a gym bunny nor am I a health freak, I ordered Domino's Pizza last night and gorged myself. I need as much help and encouragement as the next person and this is where my blog comes in.
I really hope you enjoy my ramblings, reviews and general progress updates - wish me luck!
Lady Gluttony xx