Saturday, 4 May 2013

I am me

I am me

I am; A mother. Girlfriend. Company director. Daughter. Sister. General dogsbody. Friend. Niece. Cousin. A dog person. An auntie. A godmother.

I am sometimes; HAPPY. Overly sensitive. Creative. Hilarious. Stressed. Sad. Loving. Generous. Overly trusting. Supportive. Self doubting. Hard working. A dreamer. A crier. A listener. An advice giver. A bit of a moron. OVER EXCITED. Content. 

I like: dressing Nora up in the best clothes I can find. Taking far too many photographs. The girls in the Rock 'N Rose office - they're hilarious. Eating little boats from the Mockingbird Deli. Gossiping. Cuddles. Wilfred the Puggle - even though he's massively annoying. STE. My Mummy friends. Pretending I'm a really good DJ with my partner in crime Em. My Mam - she's the bravest & best Mum in the world. Party planning. Holidays. That I was able to breastfeed for six months. Being engrossed in TV seasons. PEPSI MAX. Vintagey bits and bobs that overrun my house. Losing weight. Wearing black too often - its slimming! Instagram. Nora's toothy smile. A good cup of tea. My sister. My little family.

I dislike: The fact my Mam is poorly. Worrying. When there's no milk for my cup of tea. Not being a size 10. Disappointing people. When there's not enough hours in the day. Migraines. People who use the words 'epic', 'banter' and 'smash-it'. Being on a constant diet. SEAFOOD. That carbs are the anti-christ. A messy house. Infidelity. Spiders. Public Transport. Getting up early. Being wound up. Being on my own. 

Inspired by the lovely Charlotte over at Writelikenooneswatching - originally inspired by Rachel at Three Years & Home reminding me that I'm not just a Mum! 

I am me


  1. You really can't beat a good cup of tea. I have one in my hand right now along with a cream egg. I feel your pain about not being a size 10. I was for many, many years but I think two children may have put paid to that.

    Thank you so much for joining in with this. Your blog is so pretty x

    1. Oh I can't believe I missed cream eggs from my list! Yummy!!

      Thanks so much for heading over to read my post - I've only recently started blogging again, it's lovely when people take time out to read :)

      Thank you! xx

  2. Eating boats from the Mockingbird Deli. Aaaaaamen to that sista! x
